Creating Functional Web Services
Meet Javier Compean
Meet Javier Compean
I'm a person passionate about tech with knowledge in web development. Actually found a joy in learning new technologies and creating personal projects, for that reason I created this website to expose them, hope you enjoy it!.
Featured Project
Courses Web ServiceAn application made in the front end with react and in the backend with nodejs and express. Count with the options to sign up, sign in, create courses, edit courses and delete, only if you are the owner of the course. The Main objective of this site is to serve like a place where you can share your knowledge with others.
The facility and customization that express provides is really helpful at the moment when you are gonna start to build a new project.
React was the library that I chose to start creating my projects, the fact that is the leading front-end development tool inspiring me to keep using them in my works.
Have the opportunity to manage the backend and the front end with the same language is an opportunity that you can not let it go.
Web Library App
Library Book
This application is made in nodejs and express. Count with the options to create, update and edit any book in the library. The main objective of this app is to create some library with recommendations of your favourite books and share it with others.
Web Game
Phrase Hunter Game
This game is made with html, css and javascript. It gives you random words under the hood that you need to discover, you can do it clicking virtual keyboard or if you prefer using your physical keyboard.
Web Gallery App
React Gallery
This site is made with react. You can get all the information from an API, have 3 static topics (dogs, cats, computers) but in the search bar you can generate a request from any topic that you want, like "tacos" as seems in the picture, try it out!.
Web Form
Interactive Form
This form is made with html, css and javascript that manage the simple registration and pay methods to book for a conference. If you introduce some incorrect values, alerts wil appear to give you hints.
Web Directory
Employee Directory
This directory is made with html, css and javascript. All the information is provided from an API.
Web Quote Generator
Random Quote Generator
This website is made with html, css and javascript. Gives you automatically new quotes with different background colors every 5 seconds, in the same way you can set the interval and change it manually.
Web Portfolio App
Another portfolio that I made in nodejs and express, it counts with 3 differents pages that consist of principal, projects and about me section, the intention of this project is the same as the current page, just exposes some of my personal projects, hope you enjoy this one too.